
Showing posts with the label primary cell cultures

The Why and How of Serum Removal from Your Cell Culture

  The most important component of cell culture is likely the culture medium, and various commercial media solutions have been developed as a consequence of years of research and development. Serum, most frequently foetal bovine serum, is one common ingredient for cell culture media. However, are you aware of the purpose of this addition and, more significantly, can your cells exist without it? We'll go over the advantages and disadvantages of utilising serum in your cell culture media as well as how to get rid of it if you decide to do so. Importance of Serum in Cell Culture To keep the cells healthy, media contains vitamins, carbohydrates, and buffering agents.  And you frequently add serum, like FBS. This is a key component of cell culture media since it contains lipids and hormones. You'll see a noticeable difference if you take the serum out of your culture medium. Consciously depriving your culture of serum will also limit cell survival and increase apoptosis, so employ t