Primary Cells: A Cruelty-Free Option?

Animal use is required for preclinical investigations in life science research, which is time-consuming, costly, and causes animal cruelty. Animals being used in scientific research and tests has drawn criticism from environmentalists and animal rights activists. Several laws have also been proposed to restrict the use of animals in research. Researchers have been compelled by this to come up with alternatives that will promote compassion for animals while simultaneously reducing the number of animals exploited. In silico computer simulation and in vitro cell cultures are the two main substitutes for in vivo animal experimentation. Cell lines are now a simple tool to study nearly every subject connected to health and disease because of developments in cultural techniques.

The ability to easily cultivate cells on dishes makes cell lines an effective tool for experimental studies. Cells can be easily cultivated in small containers at the workstation, and the number of cells can be simply optimised using the size experiment. Immortalized cell lines have been used in much excellent scientific research, however, there are some drawbacks as well. 

Replacing Animal Testing with Primary Cells

Continuous cell lines are a specific form of cell. With ongoing culturing, cells' physiology, how they communicate with one another, and even their genotypes change. When variability and comparability to normal tissues are irrelevant, it is preferable to utilise cell lines with phenotypes that are as near as feasible to the in vivo target in some research.

Immortalized cell lines have drawbacks that can be avoided by using primary cells in research. Primary cells are those that come straight from the donor organism. Because of their limited lifespan, these cells maintain stability in their genotype and phenotype. Since primary cells are the ones that are most similar to "the real thing," they have the potential to produce more pertinent and insightful results from tests. Some of the discrepancies between trials employing immortalised lines are eliminated when primary cultures are used in the study. 

Today, researchers and biotech companies have access to a large variety of primary cells derived from numerous animal and human tissues, enabling reliable study. The appropriate use of functional cell models can eliminate the need for laboratory animals and minimise the use of animals in investigations. From its modest beginning, cell culture has gone a long way, and it is today recognised as one of the key strategies for creating an alternative to animal testing and easing the suffering of millions of animals annually.

If you’re looking for primary cells for a cruelty-free experiment set-up, get in touch with Kosheeka at visit for more information


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