
HUVEC Primary Cells: Choosing the right endothelial cells

  Humans are susceptible to a wide range of illnesses, including cancer, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and viral infections. They have an impact on various tissue types and result in numerous pathophysiologies. But they do have one characteristic, which is that they are all characterised by vascular endothelium dysfunction. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) are typically used in studies on vascular endothelium. HUVECs primary cells were first isolated and grown in the 1970s, and since they are widely available, fairly simple to culture, highly proliferative, and able to migrate and infiltrate new tissues, they quickly established themselves as the foundation of cell researchers' work in many laboratories. HUVECs, on the other hand, may not accurately reflect in vivo settings because they originate from immune-privileged foetal tissue and may not be identical to adult vascular endothelium. As a result, due to the ambiguous relevance in adults, data produced wit

Human Kidney Fibroblast: The Heterogeneity of Fibroblasts

A major health issue impacting 9.1% of the world's population is chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, there are still few options for CKD progression prevention. Renal fibrosis, renal anaemia, and peritubular capillary loss are three clinical diseases associated with CKD that are significantly influenced by resident human kidney fibroblast , a type of primary cells . By manufacturing extracellular matrix proteins and erythropoietin under healthy conditions, kidney fibroblasts support the structure of the organ. Numerous studies have shown that fibroblasts play advantageous functions in the regeneration of renal tubules. In some clinical situations, renal fibroblasts have the capacity to develop into a proinflammatory state, produce a variety of cytokines and chemokines, and extend inflammation by creating tertiary lymphoid tissues, functioning lymphoid aggregates. In this article, we discuss the various roles that renal fibroblasts play in both healthy and pathological states. Fu

The Human Umbilical cord-derived Endothelial cells

  The standardization of umbilical cord-derived endothelial cells depends on developing general guidelines for their production and quality assurance. The collection, culture, and proliferation of umbilical cord MSCs , management for cell preservation, transport, and associated safeguard measures, standardization of a clean environment, routine maintenance, and associated tests and examinations, among other things, are all in accordance with these guidelines. Standardized management and instruction for operators Basic standardized training programmes cover developing knowledge, developing skills, and being familiar with relevant laws and regulations. Centralized instruction, workshops, small seminars or symposiums, and other approaches are used for training. Learning professional information, cell culture techniques, and umbilical cord MSC quality control procedures are among the training's goals. Filling up and organizing original work records and data, adhering to current GMPs a

COVID-19 Inflammatory Diversity: Could MSC-derived Exosomes Solve This Mystery?

  The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused the world unspeakable harm. Given how quickly the pandemic has spread, it is crucial to think of a variety of treatment alternatives in order to successfully treat people worldwide. Since the immune system is the focal point of the infection, it is crucial to control the dynamic equilibrium in order to avoid exaggerated immunological responses that ultimately cause harm to several organs.  In the last ten years, there has been a significant increase in the use of stem cells for medical purposes. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and exosomes isolated from MSCs (MSC-Exo) have been made available to the world as potential therapeutics for a wide range of ailments as a result of scientifically ground-breaking methods. Patients with COVID-19 may benefit from using MSCs and MSC-Exos as a therapy to regulate their immune systems because they have immunomodulatory properties.  MSC-Exosomes and Immunomodulation It is now recognised that

The Case of Disease-Specific Primary Cells

  Primary cells have also been used in life sciences research, and there is a high demand for these cells. The main advantages of primary cells over immortalised cells are their functional and genetic adherence. Primary cell information is comparable to physiologic significance because these cells lack the biological modifications that enable indefinite in vitro cultivation. However, primary cells pose difficulties. Their supply is constrained, they are difficult to obtain and isolate, they are intolerant of all but the most specific culture conditions, and they don't live long: Primary cells have a maximum of 15 to 20 passages, whereas immortalised cell lines live indefinitely. These issues, however, are usually manageable with meticulous optimization of  culture methods, media, and other factors. Disease-Specific Primary Cells Primary cells require unique environmental and nutritional conditions due to their high level of specialisation in order to grow and maintain the proper p

The Why and How of Serum Removal from Your Cell Culture

  The most important component of cell culture is likely the culture medium, and various commercial media solutions have been developed as a consequence of years of research and development. Serum, most frequently foetal bovine serum, is one common ingredient for cell culture media. However, are you aware of the purpose of this addition and, more significantly, can your cells exist without it? We'll go over the advantages and disadvantages of utilising serum in your cell culture media as well as how to get rid of it if you decide to do so. Importance of Serum in Cell Culture To keep the cells healthy, media contains vitamins, carbohydrates, and buffering agents.  And you frequently add serum, like FBS. This is a key component of cell culture media since it contains lipids and hormones. You'll see a noticeable difference if you take the serum out of your culture medium. Consciously depriving your culture of serum will also limit cell survival and increase apoptosis, so employ t

Primary Cells: A Cruelty-Free Option?

Animal use is required for preclinical investigations in life science research, which is time-consuming, costly, and causes animal cruelty. Animals being used in scientific research and tests has drawn criticism from environmentalists and animal rights activists. Several laws have also been proposed to restrict the use of animals in research. Researchers have been compelled by this to come up with alternatives that will promote compassion for animals while simultaneously reducing the number of animals exploited. In silico computer simulation and in vitro cell cultures are the two main substitutes for in vivo animal experimentation. Cell lines are now a simple tool to study nearly every subject connected to health and disease because of developments in cultural techniques. The ability to easily cultivate cells on dishes makes cell lines an effective tool for experimental studies. Cells can be easily cultivated in small containers at the workstation, and the number of cells can be simpl